Wednesday, May 5, 2010

things I am loving

So if you haven't seen my april favorites go check it out :)
but i have some new favorites in the last couple days and i felt obligated to share. so here are some favorites.

1. the show "parenthood" its new. check it out on hulu. it has lauren graham as a star which if you loved gilmore girls you will love this. (i own every season of gilmore girls courtesy of the boyfriend.)

2. nyx eyeshadow. WOAHHHHHH love it. more than coastal scents though coastal scents it more affordable. its a great quality.

3. contests. i am obsessed with entering them (especially Kelspots contest-- go check it out at shes awesome) and yea... mentioning her is entering but I am not just saying that because its an entry. If i was just entering I wouldn't say she's a favorite but she is super honest and thats rare on the internet. check her out.
ive also entered swisschocolate14s contest several times :) shes cute too and no thats not an entry either.

4. rimmel lipsticks. i need 50 more. like right now. ughh i am seriously in love!!!!

5. cg smoothers tinted moisturizers. OMG! i have 10923019231 comments on how my skin looks perfect! in love.

6. cocacola. im normally a pepsi girl but coke has been it for the last week because it was on sale. dr pepper is still my pop of choice.

7. the color yellow. in general. i have yellow nails right now a first for me and i like it. :) its like sunshine and happy.

8. jello. weird i know but its good and itsss alliivveee.

9. i love love love entertaining videos. like on youtube--- if you can hook me in the first minute im gone i don't have time but if i can laugh in the first 60 seconds ill probably watch your whole video and most likely comment. i don't really watch reallly big gurus much anymore because they seem like they have no personality and thats what i like. i clearly know how to do my makeup without you so either teach me something new or make me laugh.

10. bronzer. ive always been scared of it but im in love im in love im in love. :)

11. books. i just read "fools rush in" by kristin higgins. AMAZING. best book ive read in a long time. wasn't predictable love story and it was great.

things i don't like:
1. people who don't use their turn signal.
2. sales people in any store who have no idea what they are talking about. ughhh know ur stuff or offer to ask someone who does.
3.bad friends. and i seem to have a lot of them
4. the GRE. i want to do so well but its sooo hard to study for it. ugh.

thats pretty much it :)