Tuesday, September 7, 2010


busy busy day full of studying, class, meetings, more class. the shirt i'm wearing is from when my sorority did the heart walk; something that's close to me as my mom died from heart disease.

Monday, September 6, 2010

where have i been

so in the last month i have had more problems with internet then i care to ever have again but NOW ITS FIXED!!!! I have uploaded a "catchup" video for this on my channel on youtube so check it out and I will resume posting here TOMORROW! Get excited.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Blogger wasn't cooperating

I PASSED GENETICS!!! Found out on Friday!

so blogger was not letting me load the uploader for a few days! SORRY!!!!!

this is my puppy I love her lots-- her name is scarlet :) she likes lazy saturdays

i am obsessed with this brand of gingersnap cookies in particular. OBSESSED. sundays are good for eating things your shouldn't/

i love the gilmore girls and season 7 is hitting extra home to me. Rory graduates college in this season and there is trouble in relationships that are seemingly soul-mate status. Sound familiar? oh right thats me.

I will totally try and post daily again I updated everything and I think maybe that was the problem but WHO KNOWS. dont' worry even if its not posted that day pictures are being taken. Is anyone else doing this with me?

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Finals are finished for this week and after a MUCH needed nap I am out to have a little bit of fun.

Only one more on Monday and I am free!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

notecards are ruling my life. genetics final 20 chapters 10 am :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

project 365

Very little sleep due to a genetics test in the morning, and a calc cumulative final in the evening. Tonight I will be studying for my cumulative 20 chapter genetics final. SCARY! Thanks for all the good luck wishes it means a lot. :) and today the calculator is going in a box because I will not be needing this baby unless some class randomly requires math. I'm done with math, physics, and chemistry (all needed a calculator)
It's awesome but a little sad. <3

Monday, August 2, 2010

365 days in pictures

I know what your thinking. Who cares about your 365 pictures. But for me this is more than sharing pictures. This is going to capture a pivotal year in my life. As some of you know my boyfriend and I broke up-- today should have been our 5th anniversary. We are still talking and trying to work through things as friends but it's really hard as we were together for so long.
Also, my grandpa had a heart attack this week and all of this has made me really think about how fast time flies. This project is not my original idea but I heard about some guy whom has been doing it for years and I thought today would be a good day to start. So I have a video up on my channel talking a little bit about it and I said I'd start here. With each picture I am going to put some highlights from my day. Please join me in this even if you just want to twitpic it, upload multiples at a time from different days, or maybe make it a vlog.

Today I went to class in the morning, lost my mind a little bit over the whole anniversary thing and studied with a friend. I am going out to dinner tonight with the boy and we are going to try and talk about a lot of things that need to be talked about. (water proof mascara-check).

i love you guys and let me know what you think :) I've missed you all and i hope you can understand why I have been a little absent

Sunday, June 6, 2010

There she goes, there she goes again

Pandora once again impresses me by pulling out Six Pence none the richer. Goodness that's from a long time ago but I enjoy hearing stuff from "back in the day."

So it has been a while since I updated this but I felt like there was so much to say and I don't want to bore you with a vlog because lets be honest...who likes watching people babble? anyone else click watch 30 seconds and leave if u don't laugh. yup i do because unless we are friends I am not going to watch you tell me about how hard it was to decide between this mac lipgloss or that one and how sad you were they were out of marine life. Honestly, I have bigger things going on and while I love a select few and their vlogs for the most part I get annoyed and I don't want to annoy my viewers.

I have in the last had two big exams, moved, found out some pretty sad news, and have been trying to cope with the craziness that is the life of Anita. I am not complaining because to be honest I think I am really blessed- I have a place to live, I can afford dinner, and any health issues of mine are relatively minute compared to cancer or getting hit by a semi. Sure I am having some legit problems at work, with the boyfriend (not us fighting just us dealing with other outside issues), and school is kicking my butt a bit but it's nothing that can't be managed with a few cups of caffeine, a shower, and some faith.

I have some more reviews coming up, a couple tutorials, and possibly a beauty secret that I am testing out at the moment. I have 291 subbies and that is honestly crazy to me. I am sooo thankful for how sweet you all are and appreciate how caring you seem to be when my tweets are depressing. Some of you get me through the day and I thank you for that.

I am not shopping for the month of june if I can help it. I've developed quite the makeup collection and watch to enjoy it plus my wallet will thank me. :) I think this will be more effective than project 10 pan because honestly as I indicated before for me it was seemingly flawed.

until next time pretties, xoxo

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

things I am loving

So if you haven't seen my april favorites go check it out :)
but i have some new favorites in the last couple days and i felt obligated to share. so here are some favorites.

1. the show "parenthood" its new. check it out on hulu. it has lauren graham as a star which if you loved gilmore girls you will love this. (i own every season of gilmore girls courtesy of the boyfriend.)

2. nyx eyeshadow. WOAHHHHHH love it. more than coastal scents though coastal scents it more affordable. its a great quality.

3. contests. i am obsessed with entering them (especially Kelspots contest-- go check it out at www.unnecessarydrama.net shes awesome) and yea... mentioning her is entering but I am not just saying that because its an entry. If i was just entering I wouldn't say she's a favorite but she is super honest and thats rare on the internet. check her out.
ive also entered swisschocolate14s contest several times :) shes cute too and no thats not an entry either.

4. rimmel lipsticks. i need 50 more. like right now. ughh i am seriously in love!!!!

5. cg smoothers tinted moisturizers. OMG! i have 10923019231 comments on how my skin looks perfect! in love.

6. cocacola. im normally a pepsi girl but coke has been it for the last week because it was on sale. dr pepper is still my pop of choice.

7. the color yellow. in general. i have yellow nails right now a first for me and i like it. :) its like sunshine and happy.

8. jello. weird i know but its good and itsss alliivveee.

9. i love love love entertaining videos. like on youtube--- if you can hook me in the first minute im gone i don't have time but if i can laugh in the first 60 seconds ill probably watch your whole video and most likely comment. i don't really watch reallly big gurus much anymore because they seem like they have no personality and thats what i like. i clearly know how to do my makeup without you so either teach me something new or make me laugh.

10. bronzer. ive always been scared of it but im in love im in love im in love. :)

11. books. i just read "fools rush in" by kristin higgins. AMAZING. best book ive read in a long time. wasn't predictable love story and it was great.

things i don't like:
1. people who don't use their turn signal.
2. sales people in any store who have no idea what they are talking about. ughhh know ur stuff or offer to ask someone who does.
3.bad friends. and i seem to have a lot of them
4. the GRE. i want to do so well but its sooo hard to study for it. ugh.

thats pretty much it :)

Friday, April 30, 2010

ode to soap and glory

Hi my name is Anita and Im addicted.... to soap and glory. its quite possible I need a self group. :)

here's my modest collection thus far:

note that this is just one of each item i own. i have three ifoams (one for home, one for boyfriends one for gym bag) 3 the righteous butter lotions for the aforementioned reasons, and two butter ups one for home one for boyfriends. Im a little out of control you say? lets talk about why. Thats my THIRD flake away.

okey so I am normally not one to spend money on things like this. bath and body works only gets me when they either a-are practically giving it away or b- i have a gift card. I have never been in to a lush (or tried it though i would like to) and never been into lotions because I have really sensitive skin. BUT. i was in target one day (which i love by the way) and I had seen this display 2093403924 times. I stopped this time and read it a bit and found "The scrub of your life) which calins many things about it being "the one" but the one that caught my eye was "the bumps are gone from the backs of your arms." WHAT? they could have printed my name there.

I am afflicted with a skin problem called keratinosis pilaris. Basically without getting into my science nerdy self I get little bumps on my arms. I used to pay 40 dollars for this dermatologist prescribed stuff that smells terrible and didn't work that well but provided some relief. Honestly nothing worked and it would make my skin hurt. This problem has been one that has made me so self conscious as it honestly looks like i have goosebumps all the time. not cute. Until I found soap and glory I was a always seen in pants and long sleeves despite living somewhere where it is hot 350 days a year. (no they didn't pay me to say that.--i love it that much.)

Anyways! took that and flake away home and its been a happily ever after ever since :) I have started to grow my collection and I am a huge fan of everything. Their lotions actually moisturize and stay working for more than 5 seconds. The scrubs aren't too harsh for my extremely sensitive skin and they are made with all the good stuff. Its common to see "Grapeseed oil" "orange oil" "aloe vera" "fruit extracts" "vitamin e" and many other quality natural ingredients on every package.

Most of their products have a somewhat floral-ish smell that isn't strong and resembles nothing of rose which i hate. i normally can't wear scented lotion or i break out in hives but this is my holy grail stuff. If they ever discontinue it I will cry. Follow them on twitter and on facebook and you get to have an opinion on what they do. Their customer interaction is fantastic.

Overall I rate them as follows:
cute retro packaging a 5 out of 5
smell 5 out of 5
quality 5 out 5 You get WAY WAY WAY WAY more than you pay for.
Prices range from 4-15 dollars depending on what you buy and where. In the US its only sold in Target.

How could they improve you ask? Whats the downside? Seem to good to be true? I can't say that for everyone this will be the perfect answer to their skin and the only downer I have found is the labels come off the flake away and hair supply if left in the shower. Probably the humidity but i like the labels they are cute. I could write about each product and the benefits but honestly, for me there haven't been any cons. They smell great, work and make me feel pampered. What more could a girl want? I can' attest to all of their products as I have no tried them but what I have tried has not been disappointing and gives me FULL confidence in their company. Just try it for yourself.

I am likely to have this in my collection for as long as they make it.
If you are going to try one thing I would say go for "flake away" its an awesome exfoliater that leaves your skin feeling great and will keep you coming back to soap and glory.

I want to try these products still:

Have any of you tried them? What is your favorite product?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

between a rock and a hard place

Okey before I begin....check out http://www.unnecessarydrama.net/ She is having an AWESOME giveaway and I absolutely love this girl. Hilarious doesn't cover it. she makes videos too so check her out. I honestly have never had anyone call a hair thing "a DNA structure" watch her latest video to know what I am talking about but the science nerd in me thought this was hilarious. Almost as hilarious as the "If I were an Enzyme I'd be dna-helicase so i could unzip your genes." haha. nerd factor-check!

So... as the picture indicates im... thoughtful to say the least. This blog is going to be personal so if you are looking for beauty tips come back later or check out my channel. I just uploaded a ton in the last two days.

The question on every girls mind after they have met a fantastic guy and been dating a substantial amount of time--- how do you know if he's the one? If you asked me at any other point in the last 4 almost 5 years I would have said "you just know. its an amazing feeling and i honestly think you just know." but today i would answer it a little different. How would i answer? "i don't know." <--- probably the scariest thing I have ever typed...or thought. Why? because of a simple fact I have been ignoring for the longest time that didn't seem like it mattered but with graduating and applying to grad school and thinking about the future I am finding that i really am having to choose between accepting and settling or sticking to what I believe. Now settling? NO GIRL SHOULD EVER DO THIS! but -- ill admit its so much easier said than done. So what to do? again. i don't know. and it scares me.

so im asking you--- have you ever had to choose between your heart...and well... your heart? better put. If you found you were fundamentally different from someone is that a reason to call it quits or do you simply "make it work." When you love someone it gets complicated. Let me know what you think I could really use some feedback.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Woah time flies

- if you read nothing read the end paragraph.-

So as some of you know I am applying to graduate school. Last night I went to coldstone with my boyfriend and he basically said that there is nothing to keep me here so i should apply wherever so i am applying to south carolina, ny, long island, georgia, texas, tennessee. :) can't wait to see what God has in store. Now to be clear he talked about visiting me and how he didn't want to determine my future... but if almost 5 years of dating doesn't give him some ability to do so I don't know what does. I am excited and nervous to be taking this step and am SO SO ready to actually be doing what I want. I am so excited to finally be a PA.

I was told about a school i hadn't heard about MUSC yesterday by a fellow youtuber. (telling you who might give too much info about her... but THANK YOU!!!!!) they have a PA program, a childrens hospital on site, are located in the BEAUTIFUL south and have great track records passing the PANCE exam. I AM SO EXCITED.

As i told you I am reading tranquilista-- and in it it tells you to make a "vision board" and put pictures and quotes that are near your goals. Well I just kind of did a word document with pictures of the schools I want... size proprotional to who I want most and a few quotes. I've heard Ed Gerety speak several times and talk about the importance of that. (he's a great motivational speaker if you can ever hear him PLEASE DO!)

Alright so for what I am thankful for. It's a combined list because I was busy.
I am thankful for PA schools.
I am thankful for country music. :)
I am thankful for God working in my life.
I am thankful for each new day.
I am thankful for "For coffee lovers only" I like it, love it and GOTTA HAVE IT!
I am thankful for headbands
I am thankful for failures that make you stronger.
I am thankful for Thursdays!
I am thankful for hot pink nailpolish that makes you feel pretty.
I am thankful for Dove messages that encourage positivity.

I am thankful for woodwinkedx
I am thankful for blacktiedme
I am thankful for atrendyhooligan
I am thankful for all the friends I made through youtube.
I am thankful for becoming wiser this year than I was the last and the hope that I will be wiser the next.
I am thankful for amazing ballads that you are like OMG thats me.
I am thankful for SOAP and GLORY soap. It's helps with self consciousness by correcting problem areas on my skin.
I am thankful for children. and the inspiration to treat them.
I am thankful for all of my adversities. they make me stronger.
I am thankful for being blessed to have the physics ability to write what I am thankful for.

Kayla (woodwinkedx) is raising money for a 5k she is doing called the gift of life. It is for organ donor awareness which is personally affected her family. Please help her by giving a dollar or two. She is only trying to get to $100 dollars. Lets blow that goal out of the water. If you can spend more than 10 on an eyeshadow you can give 10 to help save someones life. :) please please go to the following link and help her:


Monday, April 12, 2010


Hey lovies! Sorry I haven't updated this in a little bit-- not that I think anyone reads it. Anyways-- I started reading this book called Tranquilista and I really really like it thus far (or atleast i liked the first 26 pages). It told me to make a list of 10 things I am thankful for each day for a week. so that is what i am going to do.

1- i am thankful to have 178 subbies. that blows my mind.
2- i am thanful for my boyfriend who is playing on his iphone next to me.
3- i am thankful that i have scholarships for school.
4- i am thankful for my wit. i was told im funny twice today and i love it bc i was wasn't trying.
5- i am thankful for good vision without glasses.
6- i am thankful for the internet. It is such an amazing creation.
7- i am thankful for the people God is putting in my life.
8- I am thankful that tomorrow is a new day.
9-I am thankful that I have a car, to safely drive me to said boyfriends house.
10- I am thankful for the creation of icecream--- which I just inhaled. YUM!

What are you thankful for? Share 10 things with me. It is really good to remember what you are thankful for especially when times are rough. It has been a little tough for me lately. My GREs are one month from tomorrow. Graduate school applications open in two days. finals are in two weeks. i move in a month and a half.
there is a lot of unknown in my immediate future and a lot of risk but for today I am going to focus on what I am thankful for. I really am blessed in so many ways and sometimes I forget that a little.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

double standards

There is a song by Savage called Swing and the premise of the song is for girls to "swing" their hips. Yet-- we as women are told to be skinny yet have curves. NEWSFLASH you can't be completely deprived of body fat and have anything to swing.

So what happens? eating disorders, plastic surgery and extreme measure to become "perfect". I hope if you are aware that not just women but men experience this too. So if you are reading this I encourage you to be comfortable with who you are and if by chance you aren't happy or confident in your skin than make healthy changes like eating better and exercising more. If you try and go the other route you won't end up pretty but with end up with medical complications, scars, and disease.

Don't buy into the double standard just be happy with who you are.


Monday, March 29, 2010


"just talk when you want to run. reveal when you want to attack. so simply so obvious and at that same time so incredibly hard."

Ever notice how all fights are the same-- two people mad over something either yelling or running away and not listening to the other. communication may be one of the hardest parts of a relationship and a little over 4 and a half years deep in a relationship and I can say communication is the hardest part-- both listening and being able to convey how you feel to someone else is difficult but important. Whether romantic relationships or not we all run into this. So try and listen a little more, and say how you are really feeling. I am sure you will find that it will pay off :)

just some of my thoughts for today. off to my night class -- intermediate statistics lab with maybe an upload tonight. I'll see what I can do.

What do you all think about conflict? what are some of your biggest fights over?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

10 pan update

okey so 10 pan is going to kill me. not really but here's the items
-physicians formula concealer in nude
-suave mouse
-herbal essence mouse
-clean and clear makeup remover
-anastasia lipgloss
-collasal volume mascara
loreal decrease
-maybelline define-a-line
-look ma new hands

it started last sunday though the video wasn't up then.

so. the concealer im using slowly its hard. the suave mouse is gone, herbal essance is one or two days away. clean and clear makeup remover i really hate and doesn't work so end up using another one after this. grrr. the lipgloss i really love and its discontinued so i don't want to use it up...should i switch this product out for another? the mascra is getitng hard to use. the decrease is still hanging on. maybelline define a line has a while still and look ma new hands has disappeared. i can't find it anywhere.. so i may never finish this.

well time for a shower and to use the clean and clear again. im going to finish it.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

good samaritan

im watching greys anatomy. best show ever. enough said. one of the few shows that uses real medical information. HOUSE is garbage. you don't test a liver by getting someone trashed (only episode i ever watched.) sorry if you like house but remember i study medicine so it bothers me. im invested in greys i suppose..ive been watching it for years.

today i was driving down the interstate and a taxi cab spun out of control and hit the wall. another car hit the taxi. i called 911. thats all i can do and i wish that i had more medical experience and could do more. i stopped, called and kept telling them not to move. Everyone seemed okey but if they were bleeding out all i could do would be apply pressure and hope to God they don't die before the ambulance gets there. Thats what I think about when I see people in accidents... how one day maybe i could help them. how frustrating it is to not be able to.

i have a new video up. i laughed so much editing it. go watch it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi2FoAMtuxo

Tomorrow I am in the pediatric office again. The doctor I shadow is amazing. As one of the parents of his patient said "he's a lunatic but he's the best doctor." He is doing a lot of relief in Haiti... I wish I could go with. I want to do something noble.

can't wait for Mac's summer collection and 10 pan to be over! lol I have a long way to go but the loreal decrease is really really close. like its hard to get stuff out... but now i realize i have no base ... and i can't buy one. oh well. im going to try out alternatives and maybe do a video on it. :)


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

for your information

So in the last two days my life has been consumed by physics so sorry if I have been MIA :)

I went to the mall today to exchange a defective bra at victoria secret--- didn't purchase anything don't worry i didn't break my 10 pan agreement but I had to take it back because the strap liek fell apart so no money was spent it was just swamped. Anyways i went in forever 21 and saw lots of things that i kind of liked but didn't love. I really need to get some new clothes because ive lost a lot of weight and mine are a little big but not until I am done with 10 pan of course :) Not sure where I want to get them though. any suggestions?

ever notice how rare it is to find genuine people who really do what they say they are going to do. Someone I go to school with and I were talking about this and I wonder-- why is kindness so rare and rudeness so common? why do others find it easier to be mean than to be nice? You know they say it is 43 muscles to frown but only 17 to smile. Smiling is much easier (fyi: there is much debate on the actual number of muscles as we learn more about muscles with each passing year and redefine them. science is constantly evolving but the sentiment is there it's easier to smile.) I'm going to try and consciously smile more in the next couple days. if anything it might make someone else feel good.

id love your feed back on why people are mean or nice. e-mail me if you don't want to comment here at fyiexplains@gmail.com


Monday, March 22, 2010

time flies

So I tried these new muffin tops called Vita Tops and they are AMAZING. i really was unsure because most healthy food tastes like garbage but it genuinely was good and I kind of wish I had brought 2 today. Oh well. Poor planning on my part.

I went to the gym this morning. Ever notice how when you work out real hard you are STARVING all day. personally i don't want to eat more than normal bc i feel like that defeats the purpose of the gym. I don't starve myself don't worry :) I just try and be responsible about what I eat. The pack of carrots I just ate did nothing to fix the hunger. My goodness.

There was a graduate school fair today and I have to say it scares me to know that I will be applying in only 2 short months. Wow. Where did college go? and how did high school come and go so fast. I don't know that I am ready for the real world and I am really afraid of not getting into to a PA program. I want it so much and I feel like I've spent 15 years working for something that is finally here and there's a chance that despite all my effort I won't get in. If I don't get in then what? I am not being pessimistic, but rather realistic and trying to plan.

Ever feel like you are there for others more than they are there for you? I wonder where is the line you draw to decide between being understanding and feeling like people don't treat you fairly. I struggle with this a lot I try and expect the best but I do not always succeed.

I will say all the sweet messages from my youtubers do cheer me up. You are all so nice and I thoroughly enjoy doing youtube. It makes me sad to read of others who find so much drama through youtube but I will say I think it's easily avoided just be nice, don't judge others, and do your own thing. Remember that when you started you had 0 subscribers and no matter how many you have now that doesn't make you any better than someone else. I have 110 and even if I only had 10 or if i had 1100 Id still make my videos the same way.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

new blog

Its 2 am and I just created a blog. I used to have something like this through livejournal back in the day. This isn't your traditional youtube video blog. It's going to be more about me, my life, and tips for you and your life. Hope you enjoy :)

I'll try and update it lots.