Monday, August 9, 2010

Blogger wasn't cooperating

I PASSED GENETICS!!! Found out on Friday!

so blogger was not letting me load the uploader for a few days! SORRY!!!!!

this is my puppy I love her lots-- her name is scarlet :) she likes lazy saturdays

i am obsessed with this brand of gingersnap cookies in particular. OBSESSED. sundays are good for eating things your shouldn't/

i love the gilmore girls and season 7 is hitting extra home to me. Rory graduates college in this season and there is trouble in relationships that are seemingly soul-mate status. Sound familiar? oh right thats me.

I will totally try and post daily again I updated everything and I think maybe that was the problem but WHO KNOWS. dont' worry even if its not posted that day pictures are being taken. Is anyone else doing this with me?

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Finals are finished for this week and after a MUCH needed nap I am out to have a little bit of fun.

Only one more on Monday and I am free!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

notecards are ruling my life. genetics final 20 chapters 10 am :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

project 365

Very little sleep due to a genetics test in the morning, and a calc cumulative final in the evening. Tonight I will be studying for my cumulative 20 chapter genetics final. SCARY! Thanks for all the good luck wishes it means a lot. :) and today the calculator is going in a box because I will not be needing this baby unless some class randomly requires math. I'm done with math, physics, and chemistry (all needed a calculator)
It's awesome but a little sad. <3

Monday, August 2, 2010

365 days in pictures

I know what your thinking. Who cares about your 365 pictures. But for me this is more than sharing pictures. This is going to capture a pivotal year in my life. As some of you know my boyfriend and I broke up-- today should have been our 5th anniversary. We are still talking and trying to work through things as friends but it's really hard as we were together for so long.
Also, my grandpa had a heart attack this week and all of this has made me really think about how fast time flies. This project is not my original idea but I heard about some guy whom has been doing it for years and I thought today would be a good day to start. So I have a video up on my channel talking a little bit about it and I said I'd start here. With each picture I am going to put some highlights from my day. Please join me in this even if you just want to twitpic it, upload multiples at a time from different days, or maybe make it a vlog.

Today I went to class in the morning, lost my mind a little bit over the whole anniversary thing and studied with a friend. I am going out to dinner tonight with the boy and we are going to try and talk about a lot of things that need to be talked about. (water proof mascara-check).

i love you guys and let me know what you think :) I've missed you all and i hope you can understand why I have been a little absent