Monday, August 2, 2010

365 days in pictures

I know what your thinking. Who cares about your 365 pictures. But for me this is more than sharing pictures. This is going to capture a pivotal year in my life. As some of you know my boyfriend and I broke up-- today should have been our 5th anniversary. We are still talking and trying to work through things as friends but it's really hard as we were together for so long.
Also, my grandpa had a heart attack this week and all of this has made me really think about how fast time flies. This project is not my original idea but I heard about some guy whom has been doing it for years and I thought today would be a good day to start. So I have a video up on my channel talking a little bit about it and I said I'd start here. With each picture I am going to put some highlights from my day. Please join me in this even if you just want to twitpic it, upload multiples at a time from different days, or maybe make it a vlog.

Today I went to class in the morning, lost my mind a little bit over the whole anniversary thing and studied with a friend. I am going out to dinner tonight with the boy and we are going to try and talk about a lot of things that need to be talked about. (water proof mascara-check).

i love you guys and let me know what you think :) I've missed you all and i hope you can understand why I have been a little absent

1 comment:

  1. I'm gonna give it a go....chin up Anita, you have a wonderful life all ahead of you, i'm sure everything will work out just the way it's supposed to xx
